Love your Football
with Lindfield

New Player & Registration FAQs

Welcome to Lindfield Football Club, we hope you will enjoy your time on the pitch or the sidelines as a spectator!

General Club Information

  • LFC is a community club that offers social football as well as a development pathway

  • It is run by a volunteer committee

    1. Managers → Age Coordinators → Age Director → LFC Committee

  • Approximately 2000 playing members

  • Caters for boys & girls, men & women playing in Mixed or Girls Only Teams

  • Ages from pre-schooler turning 5 years through to players over 45 years old   

  • Community football involves training with your team during the week and playing a match on the weekend.

  • Men, Boys and Mixed Teams play Saturdays

  • Girls and Womens Teams play on Sundays

    • Girls can play in both the Mixed Competition on Saturday and the Girls Only teams playing on Sunday

  • The competition is administered by the Northern Suburbs Football Association (NSFA)

  • There are 30 Clubs in NSFA, spanning Brooklyn to North Sydney

Junior Players Q & A

+ When is my child old enough to start playing football?

Usually children start playing Club Competition Football the year they start school. The youngest age group we cater for is Under 6's.

Children who are turning 5 or 6 years old this calendar year are able to play in U6.  

For info on age eligibility click here.

If your child is too young to start community football but is super keen to have an introduction to the game and start developing skills, please get in touch and we will let you know some local options.

+ Does my child have to play in his or her own age group?

Lindfield FC policy is for players to play in their correct age group - it is usually best for the player especially in older kids age groups when size can vary enormously due to differences in growth spurts! So if they are turning 8 this calendar year they will be eligible for U8 Mixed or G8 Girls. If you have exceptional circumstances, please get in touch with the Age Coordinator to discuss what is best for your child.

An exception to this is where the Club may ask a player to play up an age group to increase the number of players in that age group and allow the creation of another team or balancing of numbers. 

+ Can my child play with friends?

Yes your child can play in a team with friends. For more information please visit our Play with Friends Requests page.

Simply complete the online form  found on our Team Grader App and it will be submitted to your age coordinator for their consideration. Please rest assured we will do our very best to fulfil every request, however team sizes and player numbers may prevent this is some cases.

+ What are Grading Trials and do I have to attend?

Grading Trials are only for players who wish to join our Development program and play at a higher competitive level than social teams.

+ When is Grading?

Grading Trials for all Age Groups (excepting U6 & U7) are held in the offseason of the prior year - usually late October or November. LFC use the Team Grader App to organise our Grading Events and publish our Team Selections. You will find more information here.

In addition, trial games against other clubs will be arranged prior to the start of the season to assist in the grading process.

+ What times and places will my child most likely play?

The Northern Suburbs Football Association stretches from the lower north shore to Brooklyn, although the younger age groups are unlikely to travel too far, as they are grouped into the northern area of NSFA.

Generally the younger age groups play the earlier time slots, however it varies from week to week, depending on ground availability.

  • Most boys junior games are played on Saturdays between 8.30am and Noon.
  • Junior girls Under 8 upwards are played on Sundays between 8.30am and Noon.

+ Who is my Manager?

Teams allocate Managers after the grading and team selection process is complete. This is decided amongst the team. It is very beneficial to get this organised early so that your team doesn't miss out on vital information eg applying for training times etc

LFC is a community club and therefore relies on parent volunteers to organise and run junior teams. We suggest a minimum of 3 registered volunteers for each team, so they can rotate responsibility week about.

  • Each MiniRoos team needs at least one parent to volunteer as Manager, another as Game Day Leader and ideally a Game Day Coach*. However, these people will need support as they will not always be able for every match. So put up your hand to help - it takes a Team to run a Team!
  • Each Competition Age Team need at least a Manager. Social teams may also need a coach.
  • If you have a keen parent who wishes to Coach please find more information on our Volunteer Coaches page.  
  • If your child is part of the SuperSkills or Development programs, they will have an allocated LFC Coach.

Your child will (hopefully) play for many years at LFC, we ask you each to take a turn at being Manager over the years to share the load.

+ What day will training be?

Once teams are announced, each team nominates a Manager and Coach. These are parent roles and can be shared amongst the team if needed. The Manager and Coach are responsible for deciding on a training day that best suits the majority of the team. This will be subject to space availability at the time and ground location selected. Ground availability is controlled by Kuringai Council and traditionally they do not advise us of which grounds and times LFC are allocated until after the cricket season finishes. Prior to availability being determined, it is not possible to say which day training will take place.

Please note: Most U6-U11 teams take up the opportunity to train with LFC coaches in the SuperSkills for MiniRoos program. This generally runs Tuesday through to Friday afternoons (most teams) with sessions at 4pm, 5pm & 6pm. Days and times will be advised in late Feb/Early March

+ What are the fees for playing football with LFC and how do I register?

  • Registration Fees vary by Age Group, for details please go to the Fees Page. NB we do accept the Active Kids Voucher which will take $50 off your fees per child!
  • Please note: SuperSkills team training provided by LFC Coaching is at an additional cost, however your team is free to choose to do your own training if you have a willing parent.
  • For a Step-by-Step Guide to Registration visit our registration page and scroll down to the relevant team/age group and click on the ‘Help Guide.
  • For more information on Grading and Selection or how to make a Play with Friends request if you are wanting to play with your mates check out the links.

+ Can I use the Active Kids Voucher with LFC?


  • Voucher #1 can be used all year and deducted from your child's Registration Fees* or Coaching Fees.
  • **Voucher #2 ** can be used in the period July to December and will be available from July 1st. It will only be able to be used against Coaching Fees - if your child is not in a LFC coached team, you will need to apply the voucher against another sport or physical activity.

Vouchers cannot be used for uniforms or equipment unfortunately.

  • If using against Registration, this must be done during the payment process when you register - we are not allowed to give refunds.

Click here for more details on How to Claim the Voucher and how to apply it with LFC

+ Does LFC offer a Family Discount?

LFC is a family-friendly club and we love to see whole families enjoy their football with Lindfield. We therefore offer a very generous Family Discount rather than just a sibling discount. You must apply before you register.

**+ What uniform do I need? **

To get started, you need only a few items and most of these are available to be purchased online and picked up from our onsite Uniform Shop.

  • Lindfield Blue Playing Shirt
  • Lindfield Shorts
  • Lindfield Socks

Shinpads are a required item - available at our Uniform Shop or sports stores eg Rebel

Football boots are expected when on grass fields (not runners or joggers - ok for training at the clubhouse courts) - available at sports stores eg Rebel

**+ How do I get a shirt number? **

MiniRoos players do not require Shirt Numbers except Junior Development League players. Shirts sizes from XS up all automatically have shirt numbers. Smaller sizes can be applied at the LFC Uniform Shop. Shirts that have numbers adhered CANNOT be returned, so only ask us to put the number on if you are *certain the size is correct *AND your manager has confirmed the shirt number. Please do this in the NOTES section at the checkout.

+ What is MiniRoos?

MiniRoos is a fun introduction to football for young players aged 5ys to those turning 11yrs old this season. More information can be found on our MiniRoos Players Page

+ Can my daughter play in both the Saturday Mixed and Sunday Girls only comps?

Yes they can! Please liaise with the relevant Age Coordinators to organise. They only need to be registered once - there is only one fee.

Senior Players Q & A

+ Do you have a Womens team?

Following on from the enormous success with the Girls and Womens teams from U8 to All Age, we are looking forward to also fielding teams in most age groups this year. These competitions play on Sundays.

For FAQ regarding the FFA Online Registration system please click here
The FFA online support number is: (02) 8020 4199 or they can be contacted via email.