Our History
Lindfield Soccer Club was founded in 1957 with two teams from Lindfield School. Soccer was seen as challenging the dominance of Rugby in Sydney’s northern suburbs. It was not long before soccer was acknowledged as a serious contender for the many young people in Ku-ring-gai looking for Saturday morning sport. Lindfield Soccer Club, a founding member of the KDSA (Ku-ring-gai District Soccer Association), immediately began growing to become the largest Club in Ku-ring-gai. Playing fees in 1957 ranged from seven shillings and sixpence to £2.20. A far cry from the fees we pay today. To read more scroll further down for our detailed history.
A snapshot of our history.
The long version
In the beginning…
In those early days the Lindfield strip was made of heavy sail cloth material with royal blue and white quarters, the shorts were white and the socks were royal blue white hoops.
Players included Bill Marshall, Andrew Schactel, David Day, Dale Swan, Kevin Hayes, Terry Hayes (the film producer with Kevin Miller) Rick Mockridge, David Goldstein, Peter Allen, Chris Allen, John Anderson, Ian Heher, Chris McClure and Bruce Waterhouse (renown for having one blue eye (Lindfield) and one brown eye, (Berowra)).
Lindfield’s home ground was Chelmsford, now called Roseville Oval. In those days Chelmsford was also used for rugby union and had dual posts but it wasn’t long before soccer took over and the rugby boys went elsewhere. Lindfield faced great opposition from Lindfield Rugby which played in the Gordon & Northern Districts competition, the biggest junior rugby union competition in the southern hemisphere and Lindfield was the biggest club. The rugby union played on the Tryon Rd oval and had two junior fields below. It was not long before Lindfield Soccer Club grew to such an extent that we took over the two junior fields they previously used as well as playing on Chelmsford.
The Club grew to 7 teams in 1959 and in 1960 the first all-age team was formed and team numbers rose to 10. Team selections took place at Edenborough Paddock. An application was made to Council for lights and the Club started looking for a sponsor -
The need for an additional ground saw the Club approach Ku-Ring-Gai Council with a view to being granted another oval. The response from Council was to arrange for an area which is now Wellington Oval to be granted to the Club for use as a soccer oval, on the proviso that the Club cleared the native vegetation. This proved no problem with working bees organised each weekend when parents and players would arrive ready to work. It was not long before the area was cleared and Ku-Ring-Gai Council then agreed to top dress and seed the area - that is how Wellington Oval came about.
Bruce Waterhouse remembers Lindfield winning the March Past at Gala Day possibly in 1959. Those were the days when every player and official would march. Lindfield Club used to place its banner against the Tennis Courts at Turramurra Oval and everyone would congregate there - boots would be polished, new laces inserted, (although the fashion in those days was to use tape) and shorts which had been worn inside out all morning would be reversed. The Club, indeed all Clubs in the early days, took great pride in the presentation of their players and officials for the march past.
In the next year the Lindfield U12 carried all before them. In those days the Rep teams were selected from all available players and the Rep competition was played on a Sunday.
Bruce talks about his first coach, Mr Antwhistle, a resident of the Bradfield Park Migrant Hostel, which was situated in West Lindfield, near Primula Oval. He was an English gentleman who could not, initially, understand the fact that the KDSA had only just been formed. Why was football not played here as it was it was in England! Chris McClure also remembers Mr Antwhistle and said he really knew how to play! He was a Year 6 Teacher at Lindfield Public School from where many of Lindfield’s players emanated.
The Club used to arrange coaching one day a week at Chelmsford. One of the prime movers in this was Cyril Mockridge (father of John and Rick), who had played top class soccer in England. Bruce recollects him trying to teach all the rugby converts that you had to use the inside of the foot (both feet) to control and pass the ball, which seemed completely foreign to them. But after a while they all seemed to get the hang of it. Another who was always present at these sessions was Eric Hayes (father of Kevin and Terry) who was also heavily involved in the formation of the KDSA as Treasurer from 1957 to 1965 and Secretary from 1959 to 1963.
Early Lindfield administrators included Cyril Mockridge and Eric Hayes as well as Ted Ray, Ern Whitfield, the late Doug Lawton, Harry Bird, Les Nagy, Col Wright, Rob Forrai and following in the next decade Bill Bergmark, Jocelyn Eade, Kevin Webb, Rick Mockridge, Bruce Waterhouse and Craig Ennis.
The 1960’s - the years of growth
One area that Lindfield can rightly claim as a first was the fact that it had the first lady manager - Mrs Jean Marshall (mother of Bill and twins Rob and Ken). When Jean stated her intention to manage the twins team in 1959 there were certainly a number of feathers ruffled. But to her credit, not only did she take the team to three KDSA Division One and Gala Day wins but the whole team made up the Ku-Ring-gai Representative Team in 1959 and 1960 with Jean as Manager!
Chris McClure has saved an article which features the 9As in 1959 - from a column named “On the Ball with Hotspur” (paper not known). The article is as follows:
In the Ku-Ring-Gai and District Soccer Assn the under-9s title was won by Lindfield A. This season they have scored 112 goals against 5. An impressive record but all the more impressive when you discover their coach and manager was a WOMAN. Mrs Jean MARSHALL wanted her boys to play soccer. So she formed the team in which her twin sons Ken and Rob are stars. Mrs Marshall used to be a hockey player and her tactics must pay off. An example to all those men who are content to watch from the sidelines and shout advice and not do anything practical to help.
No matches in the August Holidays was the decision in 1964 with team numbers now at 12. The number of players registered in teams was 13 with players graded on ability.
The Lindfield Soccer Club has had quite a few people serve on the KDSA Committees and included here are three life members of the KDSA, Eric Hayes, Col Wright and Bruce Waterhouse. In addition Jocelyn Eade, Peter Reeves, Harry Bird, Rob Forrai, and Phil Cohen all served on the KDSA Management Committee and Rick Mockridge on the All Age Committee for a number of Years, as did John Harrison, Michelle Webster and Jane Thorne (Ennis) on the KDSA Ladies Committee.
Things were starting to become serious in 1966 when the ‘no-play no train” decision was made and insignias were added to Club shirts.
Under 7s started in 1967 and in 1968 concern was noted that the Council was “anti-soccer”. There was a different approach to club membership in those days. Lindfield teams were training for the march past! LSC Ladies ran a stall to raise money for a Clubhouse at Chelmsford. In that year the U8As went for 16 games undefeated scoring 107 goals for, 1 against.
It was always the dream of Lindfield to have a Clubhouse and a large fundraising effort was launched to try to achieve this goal, Dinner dances were held in the new East Lindfield Community Centre. A canteen was run for a few years at Chelmsford. Unfortunately, although a substantial amount of money was raised the dream was never to become a reality.
The 1970’s - the years of strength
With 25 teams, it was time to appoint age-coordinators in 1970. In 1971 Lindfield was out growing its grounds for training and playing, even moving to West Killara School for additional space. A request was made to the KDSA for no games in May holidays. 5 teams were premiers in 1971. All-age won the KDSA cup for the first time. Chris McClure was a member of that team and still has the pewter mug and his Lindfield shirt from the final.
35 Lindfield teams competed in 1972 with 7 premiers. Lindfield entered 14 teams in the first six-a-side competition. The names Wright, (the late) Doug Lawton and Forrai figure in Club positions. The Club was told to “expect lights during April 1972”. The first Lindfield prizes were awarded.
Between 1972 and 1976 team numbers remained stable at around 35 teams and averaging 6 premierships per year. In 1973 it was reported that “not one player or official was called before the KDSA P&I Committee”. And a Wellington Clubhouse subcommittee was formed! Architect plans were prepared which included the site of change rooms and toilets as well as off street parking and lighting. Despite the fact that the Club had raised around $40,000 and applied for a federal grant, Council would not approve the plans because of objections from some local residents. People such as Tony Rigby, Greg Danks, Keith Hobbs (planning) and the late Bill Bengmark (finance) were members of the Committee at the time and were instrumental in pushing the Clubhouse Project forward.
The Lindfield Ladies team went through the season undefeated in 1974.
The name Lindfield Soccer Club was registered in 1974 and a Constitution was drawn up. Lindfield was a foundation member and premiers of the Ku-ring-gai District Women’s Soccer Association and Michelle Webster of Lindfield was the founding President.
It was in 1974 that Ray Clements, who was then England’s No 1 Goalkeeper was invited to Australia by the ABC to be a commentator for Australia in the World Cup
(England was knocked out in the preliminaries). One of ABC’s executives involved with the program was also associated with Lindfield Soccer Club. Ray Clements was invited to the Lindfield Barbeque picnic held at Redlands ground, which he duly attended accompanied by his wife and two children. Everyone was very excited to meet Ray. He played in the fathers and sons team against the ladies team. There was much good natured hilarity when Ray was tackled and shouldered to the ground by one of the lady players. It was a light hearted affair although played with much gusto and competitiveness. Ray Clements also gave his time generously to the KDSA by giving demonstration goalkeeping sessions to young players in Ku-ring-gai. These sessions were very well attended.
Maybe history does repeat itself; in 1975 the AGM had to be postponed because of lack of a quorum!
There were many players who starting playing with Lindfield in the ‘70s as U7s or U6s, and continued through Junior Football to Youth in the early ‘80s and into all age in the ‘80s and ‘90s.
These players included Andrew Kingsmill (Senior Club Captain), Andrew Rowley Bates, Nigel Hobbs, Simon Rowley Bates, Steven Hobbs, Peter Rowley Bates, Quentin Pieper, Paul Baker, Alan Hui, Stuart Gray, Michael Bradwell, Peter Forrai, Stephen Philip, Andrew Darton, Grant Walsh, Adam Lawton and David Hamilton
In 1976 the Ladies team were premiers for the third year in a row and two players were selected in the NSW team. The Under 14A’s also won their division. Rob Forrai and Ron Gray both achieved ASF coaching badges.
1977 to 1981 was a time of considerable growth for Lindfield almost doubling in size from 48 teams in 1976 to 73 teams in 1981 - the Club’s 25th anniversary year. During that time Leigh Wardell (daughter of the late Dave Wardell) from the ladies team (Premiers again in ’77) became the first Lindfield player to be an Australian Representative. After four years as Premiers the Ladies team finished second in 1978 but achieved two players in the Australian team.
Wallaceway agreed to sponsor Lindfield for one season.
Col Wright was honoured in 1978 as Lindfield’s first Life Member.
1979 saw five Premier teams and lights at Wellington, finally! The U10A and U16A each won the triple - Premiers, Gala Day and Six-a-side. All-Age Div 4 scored 96 goals for the season.
The 1980’s - sliding from strength
In 1980 Lindfield had only one team as premier and no ladies team! St Ives Showground was used for trial games and grading for the first time.
With a record 73 teams in 1981, Lindfield had three premier teams and our Clubhouse application was again unsuccessful. Robert Forrai was appointed as the Club’s Coaching Director. Over 200 people attended a Socceroo Guest night with Messrs Jankovic, Sharne, and Henderson at Wellington. Jane Aitken played in the successful NSW Team in the Australian Championships.
Ron Gray was President for the third time and Shirley Wells was Secretary for the third time and the name Ryman first appears on the Committee. There were problems however, in his President’s report Ron Gray raised the issue of the increasing difficulty of administering the Club which was thought to be the second largest amateur soccer club in Australia. Decentralisation, through the use of age-coordinators had played an important role. In 1981 the Club turned over $11, 691 with a surplus of $4,090.07.
Lindfield awards trophies each year to outstanding players. Two of these trophies were awarded in 1981 - the winners in that year were Greg Isele (U16) Seabourne trophy and Michael Covey (U12), Shoe Shop Trophy.
Life Memberships were awarded to Ron Gray, Doug Lawton and Robert Forrai in at a special General Meeting in March 1982
Issues noted in minutes in 1982 included dissatisfaction with the results of overprinting the backs of playing shirts with the words “Chatswood Shopping Plaza”; further attempts to establish a Clubhouse were frustrated by rejection of the LSC proposal by a Government subcommittee; a decision to write to players who gave priority to other commitments “firmly spelling out club policy” and complaints against KDSA team division gradings. The Seabourne trophy was awarded to David Schroeder.
The fees for the 1983 season were as follows: U7 and U8 - $26; U9 upwards $30 per player and $32 for All Age. Managers from ‘82 were asked to ring last year’s players to remind them of registration day. Things were serious in those days with a special committee meeting convened to confirm the appointment of U7 to U11 A and B team coaches. Chatswood Plaza withdraws its $3,000 sponsorship of Lindfield Soccer Club leaving the Club with the problem of what to do with shirts overprinted with their Chatswood Plaza. It was decided to think very carefully before making that type of commitment to a sponsor again.
Lindfield remained the largest Club with 62 Teams and joint premiers in the U10A’s and 11C’s. And there were discussions about the club acquiring a typewriter!
1984 saw a drop in numbers. However 10A’s and 11B’s were joint premiers and 11As (who had Rale Rasic contributing to their coaching) represented KDSA in Champion of Champions. The success of the KDSA’s computerisation of the Junior draw was noted.
The equipment officer announced that new Umbro sports shirts had been bought for the 1985 season as part of a three year project to fully change over to these new shirts.
The coaching committee report of 1984 takes some time discussing the perennial problems of most clubs - grading and why all players can’t be in the ‘A’ team, why it’s impossible to find coaches or managers for some teams, why coaches always forget to get their coaches report back, why can’t my son play with his friend etc etc. Funny how things don’t change! Also, the issue of losing numbers in the teen years was an emerging problem; in 1984 Lindfield was unable to field an U14 and an U18 team. Their conclusion was that the large size of the junior club acts to the detriment of the teenagers as “the KDSA seems to automatically assume that a big club will be able to field a first division team in each age despite all our pleas to the contrary” It’s good to see that the KDSA now treats teenage teams on their merits.
A lot of thought was given to the information brochure, with amendments suggested to the introduction and a message concerning volunteers for committee work.
Lindfield started 1985 fielding 63 teams including six all-age teams. There were 17 U7 teams and 14 U8 teams. 11As and 12As were Division winners. It was noted with regret that due to inclement weather, Gala Day had been cancelled. Jan Hodgson retired after 7 years on the committee, four years as Secretary.
After several very frustrating attempts to gain a Clubhouse, the Club decided to settle for a very poor alternative, but yet an invaluable arrangement. West Lindfield Bowling Club agreed to rent a store room to the Club for it to store all equipment. This too has proved to be a great benefit to the Club.
1986 started without a Secretary elected and saw the generation of the Rymans, Judi (already 5 years as Treasurer) and Gerry commence, a period that was to last for the next 5 years with Judi as Secretary & Treasurer and Gerry as President for much of that time.
1986 saw the 12A’s winners in Division One but having real problems with numbers for the Champion of Champions competition. Lindfield were also winners of Youth Div 1, All-age Div 2 (joint) and runners up in Div 3.
The first moves to computerise the Club records made an immediate impact on registration and grading. Skip Hodgson helped to get Lindfield started on his computer and then Paul Ryman wrote some software for the club for use on the Rymans home PC.
Every year Lindfield organised a Club picnic at the end of the year for awarding trophies and pennants and just having fun at the end of the season. During the years that these functions were organised by the Ryans they were particularly enjoyable with all kinds of races and games for the Lindfield members.
During this time the concept of sessions to help fathers new at coaching to learn some techniques was developed as ‘Coach the Coaches’ sessions held at the start of the season. This concept has continued successfully into the ‘90s.
Philip Isle, the dynamic goalkeeper from the Youth A team was awarded the Seabourne Trophy in1987, when 10C, 12C, 11A and Youth teams were division winners.
In 1988 All age Premier 4 team won their division. Fees or the various divisions in 1988:
Under 7 to Under 9 - $30
Under 10 to Under 15 - $32
Under 16 and Under 18 - $34
AA PL 1 & 2 - $58
AA PL 3 & 4 - $44
AA PL 5 and Over 30 - $40
The registrar reported to the Annual General Meeting that Lindfield had the worst player retention in the KDSA. It was concluded that this was because players started so young. That year the club resolved not to accept registrations from players aged five years (U6s) and to register more players in U7, U8 and U9 teams to alleviate problems of school holidays and holiday weekends. Denis Galvin, referee as well as a long standing Lindfield Committee Member, reported that he and other referees had received much abuse from players and parents. “Maybe it would be a better club with 200 keen players than 500 who play soccer on a casual basis” It must have been a bad year!
A committee meeting minute 31st July 1989 resolved that all club records (with the exception of minutes) be destroyed! No wonder there has been difficulties in preparing this history. Much wet weather this season! With the first six out of the first eight matches cancelled. The decision to incorporate was taken. Andrew Galvin was awarded the Seabourne Trophy. Lindfield won the Marchpast.
At the Annual General Meeting, Judi Ryman, Gerry Ryman, Phil Sachs and Denis Galvin were honoured with life membership. The Rymans have been invaluable members of Lindfield’s administration for the past 8 years. Phil Sachs played for Lindfield since the mid-sixties, as an all age player he has given up his time to coach teenage teams for the past several years and has served on Lindfield’s management committee as All-Age Vice President for several years. Denis Galvin served as morning football Vice President since 1983 and refereed with the KDSRA.
The 1990’s - rebuilding
Lindfield won the march past again in 1990 and the U10Ds won their Division. Lindfield All -Age won the KDSA Cup for the second time (the first time in 20 Years) in the Club’s history. Judi Ryman celebrated her 10th year as Treasurer by undertaking the job of Secretary as well. Lindfield again recognised a long serving Committee Member, Lyn Galvin who served as Registrar from 1985 to 1995.
1991 saw near perfect weather, Lindfield All-Age Division 2 as premiership winners, U15s coached by Phil Sachs as Treasurers Cup Winners and Division Winners and the last year of the Rymans administration. Gala Day winners for 1991 were U8F, U9B, U9E, U10A, and U11A. Teenage soccer numbers continued to weaken with only U13, U14, U15 and a Youth team.
All-Age Premier One was KDSA Cup winners again as the only successful team in 1992. Gala Day winners were U7D, U10B and U11A teams. Peter Hack, Morning Football VP since 1990, had some advice for managers and coaches: Learn the rules and attend coaching courses - even if you think you know it all! This year saw new faces in the Lindfield Committee, Peter Reeves as Secretary, Roger Dampney as Equipment Officer and Mike O’Hanlon as Floor Member. No one could be found to fill the President’s position.
After years of registration books and lists and some dabbling with computers Lindfield’s registrations were entered directly into a computerised database. Player lists, year lists, team lists, team results and personalised letters were all produced for managers and age-coordinators.
1993 was another quiet year for Lindfield. The decision was taken that from 1994, Lindfield would no longer restrict U7 registrations. The President’s position was again unfilled. In that year Lindfield had 365 players, which comprised 79 all-age players, only 28 teenage players, and 33 U7 players! This translated into 4 U7 teams, 5 U8 teams, 5 U9 teams, 3 U10 teams, 3 U11 teams, 2 U12 teams 2 U14 teams and 5 all-age teams -from 73 teams in 1981 to 29 teams in 1993! After considerable soul searching it was decided that this was not an inevitable trend and that the Committee had to take positive action to rebuild Club numbers. The Committee decided that it was losing members to other Clubs not restricting membership and also making it difficult for U7 players in higher divisions who had not played before facing experienced teams. The Committee also felt that a concentrated marketing programme including the re-introduction of letters to all past members, intensive advertising at the local schools and shops would be needed to assist rebuilding.
Immediate results were achieved in 1994 with a jump from 29 to 37 teams and importantly a strengthening in the junior numbers. However it was recognised that it would take many years for the weak 1992/3 U7 numbers to pass through the Club. It was decided to extend the awards of the Seabourne Trophy and the Shoe Shop Trophy to recognise both the most valued and most improved players in each age group, U10 to Youth. Gala Day winners in 1994 were U7A, U7E, U7I, U9B and U12A teams and 10Cs won their division. In All-Age, Phil Sachs led a restructured Division 5 team through the season undefeated. Fees in 1994 were $60 for U7, U8 - $65, U9 to U14 - $70, U16 - $75.
All-age Premier One again raised the problem of the poor conditions at Primula. Action to have hot showers installed and the general condition of the oval improved was initiated with Ku-Ring-Gai Council but fell through. Discussions with Newington for combined Lindfield / Newington teams were not successful, also unsuccessful was an approach to Council to have Bert Oldfield Oval in Killara allocated to Lindfield.
Organised Team Photos were successful when over 80% of teams turned up to have their photos taken. It was noted that it is getting harder and harder to motivate players to take part in the Gala Day marchpast.
A further increase in teams to 43 teams in 1995 signalled what was perhaps Lindfield’s most successful year in its history. The Under 16As won both their Division and the Secretary’s Shield, the U14s won Treasurers Shield finishing second in their division, U11As were undefeated in winning their division and Gala Day, All-Age Division 4 were undefeated in winning their division although they lost on penalties in the grand final and Premier One Reserves won their grand final after finishing fourth in their division.
The Club has continued to experiment with ways of improving marketing approaches such as changing advice letters, updating the information brochure trying different types and sources of advertising and offering prizes for introducing new members. Apart from looking to attract new players, emphasis has also been placed on retaining existing players, especially ways of keeping players in the 12 to 18 year age group.
1995 was Lyn Galvin’s tenth and last year as registrar. Whilst Lyn will be greatly missed, Lindfield has been fortunate in gaining the services of Barbara Mindel who has moved into this role very successfully. Once again Lindfield has not had a President this year.
Initiatives in 1996 included the acquisition of answering machines for the Secretary and the Registrar and a fax machine for use by the Secretary. Lindfield also commenced using banners to advertise the Club in its catchment area, especially around registration time. Membership continued to increase with junior membership climbing to 440 and all-age numbers to 100. Given the changing demographics of Roseville and Lindfield it is probable that junior numbers at least have peaked.
Sadly Gala Day was washed out so the season ended in anticlimax for most teams. Unfortunately, Lindfield was not able to reproduce its success of the previous year. The U7A team went through the year undefeated and the U9As almost achieved the same result, being defeated for the first time in their last match of the season. U12A, U12B and U13A were pennant winners.
The Committee in 1996 remained stable, again with no President. Equipment Officer, Roger Dampney and Recorder Mike O’Hanlon completed five years’ service with the committee.
‘Player of the Week’ in the U13 team in 1997 is honoured by wearing a Lindfield shirt at training worn originally by Chris McClure in the first Lindfield all-age team to win the KDSA Cup back in 1971.
Prepared by Peter Reeves in January 1997 when he was secretary of Lindfield Soccer Club. The contributions of the following people are greatly appreciated. The recollections of Bruce Waterhouse, a life member of Ku-ring-gai and District Soccer Association and a member of Lindfield Soccer Club in its early days, provided many interesting anecdotes. Robert Forrai, life member of Lindfield Soccer Club and tireless worker for the Club, compiled a summary of minutes from it Club’s founding to the early eighties. A number of Lindfield’s founding and long serving members including Noel Schroeder, Mitchell Billing, Ron Gray, Phil Sachs, Judith Ryman and Lyn Galvin have reviewed and contributed to this history.
We are looking for individuals who remembers these years to update our history page. If you have any relevant info or some great pics to share, please contact info@lfc.asn.au .