MiniRoos Parents Page
NSFA ALDI MiniRoos Mixed U6–U11 & Girls G8-G11
MiniRoos is an introduction to football for young players. As a player progresses through the age groups, the field size increases as well as player numbers, preparing them eventually for the full size field version of 11v11 football.
The focus is on fun – we want to see happy, smiling players - this is our aim each weekend for our MiniRoos players.
What is MiniRoos?
Games are played in age groups:
Saturday Mornings: Mixed boys and girls U6–U11 between 8.30am -midday
Sunday Mornings: Girls only G8-G11 between 8.30am -midday
Players take part in small sided games with modified field sizes and numbers of players. These are NOT classes, it is community football where players train once per week and play a match on the weekend.
MiniRoos is non-competition. Results tables/ladders don’t exist. Scores are entered but not published, the results are used to review divisions every 5 weeks and teams may be regraded to ensure teams are playing others of similar ability
There are General Rules plus age group specific rules for:
U6 and U7
U8 and U9
U10 and U11
Download or keep a copy of these in the kit bag or managers folder. They include playing formats and rules for Game Leaders (referees)
For more information check out the NSFA Miniroos page
MiniRoos Parent Roles & Game Day Duties
Game Leader (Referee)
Role is to facilitate the game on the weekend, ensuring all players stay true to the rules of the game and everyone is included and enjoying themselves.
Keep the game fair.
Rotate this role among parents.
Game Day Coach
Role is to get the players warmed up and organised. Also to rotate players to ensure everyone gets a turn in all positions over the weeks, and equal time on the pitch.
The aim is to develop the skills and confidence of all players.
Rotate this role among parents.
Team Manager
On Game Day, the manager’s role is to ensure everyone on the team knows when and where the game is taking place and (outside Covid times) roster the supply of the all-important half time refreshments! Introduce yourself to opposing manager, agree and log results at the end of the match. Manager’s also have a key role to play outside of match day, so please also read through the below LFC Manager Role & Responsibilities and Handbook.
‘Everyone, keep it fun!’
Manager Role and Responsibilities
Ensure the successful management of the team and the welfare of the players in their care.
Make sure that all 'off field matters are dealt with efficiently and timely to ensure an enjoyable season for all involved.
Work closely with the coach to provide support when it might be needed eg. Liaising with parents and monitoring parent and player behaviour.
Work closely with the Age Coordinator to ensure club admin and communications are seamless.
Act as a liaison officer between the club and the team.
Liaise with all team members, parents, coaches and officials to ensure all are informed of training, competition and club functions so they arrive at the correct location and time.
Liaise with the manager of the opposing team on match day re: game leaders and match result
Distribute Club and team information
Resolve team problems: refer unresolved problems to your Age Co-ordinator
Communicate to the Age Coordinator and Club Admin if your team needs to forfeit a game.
Attend to administration matters as requested by the Age Coordinator/Age Director.
Coordinate pick up and return of equipment as appropriate at the start / end of the season.
Agree match result with opposition manager and log.
Confirm player availability and work with other managers & the Age Coordinator to recruit temporary players from other teams when the team may be short of players.
Coordinate any social events for the team and parents, including participation in club sponsored events e.g. Friday night’s at the club, photo day, Comedy with a Cause.
MiniRoos Manager’s Handbook
+ Manager's Requirements
- Apply for your [Working with Children][1] number.
- Then Register as a manager on the Play Football website.
- Your [Age Coordinator.][3] will provide you access to LFC admin site. This is where you will be able to find your team contact details and it will be used to record match results. for more information click here.
- Choose a communication App for the team to use. Useful manager Apps include: Team Stuff, Team App, Teamer…
+ Manager Duties
- All Team communications and organisation to ensure your team knows what is happening week to week re games, training and extra events such as photo day.
- Team admin & representation
- Ensure at least 2 other parents have their WWC check and are registered as Coaches if they are Coaching the team or acting as Game Day leaders. A minimum of 3 adults per team is required to ensure there is one registered person at the match each week.
- Liaison with LFC
- Kitbag pickup and equipment maintenance eg if use icepack, go to uniform shop to replenish.
- Results reporting is very important however it is done only for admin purposes to ensure teams are playing at a competitive level. No tables are kept, as the focus in not on who wins/loses but on having fun playing teams of a similar ability. The results are only kept to make sure the teams are well matched. RESULTS must be entered in Dribl by Sunday night, ready for Monday morning processing. If you would like to keep a record your weekly results for the purposes of helping ensure your team gets regraded at the correct level if needed, it can be found here or on the NSFA website.
- Conduct: if your spectators/parents are not observing our code of conduct guidelines they may need a gentle reminder. We all (especially the kids) would like to see parents encouraging, supporting and cheering both sets of players each weekend, creating a positive and enjoyable MiniRoos experience.
- Ensure you share this info graphic 'TIPS for Parents' with your team.
- If your team would like to give out a Certificate for the Team Player of the week/season or tournament, you can use this download.
+ Kitbags
At the start of the season, kitbags will be allocated to each team. Watch for notifications as to when your team's is ready to pick up from the clubhouse. SAP teams: the kitbag is often already with the coach.
The kitbag will include: bibs, balls and cones. Individual whistles (which are not to be shared) can be picked up from the uniform shop. Extra ice packs and balls are also available upon request from the uniform shop as the season progresses, however where possible to keep costs (and therefore fees down) please make sure every effort is made to find lost balls and consider using a reuseable icepack each week, keeping the one-time use one for emergencies.
At the end of the season the bag should be returned on the date advertised. Someone from the team must ensure it is handed in so we can ascertain what new equipment must be ordered.
It would be greatly appreciated if you could return the bag as you received it. Please follow the below instructions this assists in bag preparation for the following season.
- Please ensure your kit bag has the TEAM NAME label intact
- Empty the bag of all rubbish and give it a good shake out. Any lost property should be dealt with. Please Do Not leave it in the bag.
Each bag should contain
- Training bibs and goalie shirt (please ensure these are all freshly washed)
- U6/U7: 1 x match ball
- U8 and upwards: 1 x match ball and 2 x training balls
- Training cones
- Ball pump
- First aid kit and any unopened ice packs.
- Hand sanitiser
Please do not return whistles as they are unable to be used again.
+ Uniforms
All Lindfield players must wear full LFC Uniform:
Lindfield McGrath Blue Playing Shirt - no shirt number required in MiniRoos except if teams participate in Kanga Cup
Lindfield Shorts
Lindfield Socks
Shin pads & football boots are mandatory
White Away Shirts are only a requirement for JDL players. They may also be needed when the opposition is playing in a similar dark blue or there are 2 LFC teams in the same division. NSFA rules dictate that the AWAY team wears white. Please contact your Age Coordinator if you need more information or how to source these for occasional matches or simple solution is to have one team turn shirts inside out for that match.
***[ Uniform shop][8]** is available online and orders can be picked Friday nights during the season, plus additional days in the busy few weeks before it starts, please check the website for days and hours as it varies due to demand.
+ Special Requirements
It is the coach/manager's responsibility to ensure players are in correct attire and advise players if they are not meeting NSFA Player Equipment requirements:
- No Caps (goalies excepted)
- Spectacles must meet safety standards (see policy)
- Hearing Aides - OK
- ‘Puffers’ to be kept at sideline
- No Jewellery including fitbits & watches
- No plaster casts
+ Training: SuperSkills or Own Team Coach?
- Lindfield FC run Age Group SuperSkills Sessions as the preferred training option for MiniRoos teams. Most teams take advantage of this specialist training from LFC Coaches. You will receive details of how to sign your team up for these sessions from your Age Coordinator when the sessions become available later in March. Please share this link to our Player Code of Behaviour with all members signing up to the SuperSkills Training program.
- If your team is not undertaking SuperSkills training and wish to run your own sessions you will need to request a ground to train on. We are in process of updating this form for 2021 - we are awaiting council's response as to which grounds LFC can have access to. So DO NOT fill in this form yet - please be patient whilst we get organised.
- Volunteer Parent coaches are strongly encouraged to attend one of the Free ALDI MiniRoos Coaching Certificate courses run by the NSFA during pre-season to help ensure that football will be enjoyable for all. For more information go to our Volunteer Team Coaches FAQ’s.
- A Game Day Leaders Workshop will also be run pre-season by LFC. It is useful to have at least a few parents from each team attend.
**+ Fixtures: Where is my team playing? **
To find out where and when your team is playing each week, you have 2 options:
- go to the NSFA Fixtures Page TIP: make sure you choose Home & Away as the competition, select the league eg U10 and correct Division (once you know this, you can shortcut direct to it) and then filter by Lindfield FC, Round number
- Use the new DRIBL App - how to set up information for managers is in Manager's Presentation or can be found here for parents/supporters
If you are new to football and do not know the ground location, you can go to the NSFA Find a Ground page.
+ Wet Weather: Will the game be on if it is raining?
Wet Weather and ground closure information is updated and communicated as quickly as possible. Games will be on unless a ground has been officially closed.
You must turn up, ready to play unless the game is cancelled. To find out more please go to our Wet Weather Page. All players have a responsibility to check the Draw and Wet Weather page, however Managers are responsible to pass on any updates through their team communication channel.
+ Borrowing Players: How to Handle Player Shortages & Forfeits
- Development teams may borrow players from any team (except SAP teams)
- Non-development teams may borrow from other non-development teams only
- Only players from the same age group or a lower age group (no more than two years younger) can substitute and play for your team.
- Age coordinators can give you other managers details to request players.
- If you have done everything you can to find enough players, but will not meet the minimum number of players – you will need to Forfeit, please read this guide. This must be done with at least 48 hours notice or a club fine will be issued. Inform LFC admin ASAP if a forfeit is required.
+ General Rules
- No adults allowed on field (except game day leader - referee)
- No one stand directly behind goals
- Maintain Code of Conduct
- Game Day Leader (Ref) has the final decision in all matters
+ MiniRoos Playing Formats, Field Layouts and Rules
[Click here][23] for the complete document of MiniRoos Playing Formats, Field Layouts and Rules
For summary please see below:
U6 and U7: Format and Rules
- Teams have 10-12 members. Split into 2 teams, playing 2 games at the same time.
- Play is 4 v 4.
- No goalkeepers. Discourage standing on goal line.
- No penalty area.
- Duration 2 x 20 minutes halves
- Minimum 5 min half time break
- Ball size 3
- All matches played on Saturday mornings at MiniRoos Centres
- Button U6 & U7 Full Details
U8 and U9: Format and Rules
- Play is 7 v 7 (including goalkeeper)
- Position Formation is 1-3-3
- Duration 2 x 20 min halves
- Ball size 3
- All mixed matches on Saturday mornings, all girls matches on Sunday mornings
- Button U8 & U9 Full Details
U10 and U11: Format and Rules
- Play is 9 v 9 (including goalkeeper)
- Position Formation 1-3-2-3
- Duration 2 x 25 min halves
- Ball size 4
- All mixed matches on Saturday mornings, all girls matches on Sunday mornings
- Button U10 & U11 Full Details
Rules to review
- Goalkeepers kicks, throws and required distances (see MiniRoos age specific rules).
- Throw ins
- Offside (not penalized but discouraged by ref and coach)
- Click here for the [official competition rules.][24]
+ Information for Parents
- Parents have a very important role to play in their child's sport, especially in the formative years.
- Parents, please read this info graphic
- For more information we *highly recommend every parent watches this presentation from our LFC Head of SAP - Luke Harris * **
+ Can our team enter Kanga Cup?
- LFC encourages all our development teams to attend the Kanga cup in Canberra in the July School Holidays. It is a brilliant opportunity for team bonding and skill development - the parents and families have a great time too. More details can be found [here.]27 [24]: /s/MiniRoos-Football-Rules.pdf [23]: /s/NSFA-ALDI-MiniRoos-Formats-and-Playing-Rules.pdf [8]: https://my-site-109314-101805.square.site/ [3]: /contact [1]: /working-with-children-policy-check