Active Kids Voucher & Family Discounts

What is an Active Kids Voucher?

From February 2024, the NSW Government will provide two (2) x $50 vouchers to eligible parents/guardians of school-enrolled children (aged 4.5 – 18 years old) each calendar year. This includes those who are home-schooled or enrolled in secondary school education at TAFE NSW. 
AKV are now means tested. You will be able to apply for a voucher if you receive:

The vouchers can be used for registration and participation costs for sport and fitness activities. It is important to note that vouchers cannot be split between multiple clubs or registrations, so its a one use only policy.

  • Voucher #1 can be used all year and deducted from your child's Registration Fees or Coaching Fees.

  • Voucher #2 can be used in the period July to December and will be available from July 1st. It will only be able to be used against Coaching Fees - if your child is in a social team only you will need to apply the voucher against another sport or physical activity.

Further information and contact details for enquires on the Active Kids Program can be found here.

How can I claim my voucher?

Everyone must apply for the voucher through Service NSW.
If the parent/guardian doesn’t have a Service NSW account, you will need to set one up. 

Note: If you wish to use the voucher for registration, the voucher code must be applied at checkout - we are not permitted to refund vouchers for cash. If you decide not to play football and wish us to transfer the voucher to another organisation, please contact the Registrar for a link to the necessary form.

  1. Go to

  2. Click on bottom left RED button: [APPLY HERE]  

  3. [Log In] or [Create] an Account if you don't yet have one.  NB: You may need to verify your identity using your Drivers Licence AND Medicare Card (other options available) and also that of the child using Medicare card.

  4. Check the eligibility of your child.

  5. Continue with eligible child and enter details as required.

  6. Once the voucher process is complete, a printable version of the voucher will appear on screen. It is advised that you print the voucher confirmation before closing your Service NSW account.

  7. Now you can register your child. At Step 8 you will be asked for Vouchers/Codes at the payment screen, make sure you apply the 16 digit voucher number*.  The system will automatically check the validity of your code and, where approved, the invoice will automatically deduct the $50 from the fee amount.

  8. Repeat process for each other eligible child. 

*NB: If you fail to add the voucher at this step it cannot be refunded against Registration Fees! This is a Government Requirement. You can however still use it to pay for Coaching fees if your child plays in a SAP/SL/DL team. Please be sure to advise  Accounts  at the Coaching Office when you receive your invoice. Alternatively, it can be transferred to another club or sport. Please get in touch with the Registrar to organise this.

What Family Discount does Lindfield offer?

Lindfield is a family-friendly club. We encourage all family members to join in the fun!
To help make that possible, rather than just offering a sibling discount, we offer a Family Discount for 3 or more immediate* family members (parents & kids of any age) living at the same address.

Q. How does it work?

A. The 3rd member and any subsequent family members (ie 4th, 5th etc) will receive a $100 discount off their fees. You will be issued one discount code that can be applied to one player at the checkout during the payment process. The amount will reflect the number of entitled players eg $100 for 3 players, $200 for 4 players etc

Q. What do you need from me?

A. All applications for Family discount must be made to the Registrar before 28th February and include the below information.
The discount must be processed at the time of Registration**.

  1. Register all players in Play Football with the exception of the one who will use the code

  2. Apply for the Family Discount by completing this application form including:

    • All Player names

    • Each Player’s Age groups

  3. Email the Registrar to advise you have completed the form.

  4. To register the final player using the code, please register as normal, however, at checkout, please enter the code received from the registrar. This code will deduct the discount amount eg $100 for the 3rd player, $200 for the 4th player or $300 for 5 or more players

* Family members from the one household, not extended families.

** The discount can only be applied at the time of registration - No Refunds in lieu of the Family Discount will be given. It cannot be used against coaching fees.