Join the LFC Coaching Team in 2025!
Lindfield FC is excited to expand our coaching team for the 2025 season. As a community-based club in the NSFA association, we pride ourselves on our strong coaching emphasis on both competitive and social teams.
We invite coaches of all experience levels to register their interest in joining our dynamic coaching team. Opportunities are available across a wide range of teams, including:
Junior Girls and Mixed U6 – U18
Men’s and Women’s All Age
Overs Teams
Coaches will be assigned to teams (social or development) based on their experience level.
At Lindfield FC, we are committed to coach development. You’ll receive comprehensive training, support, and resources to help you excel in your role. Plus, we offer competitive rates of pay!
Register your interest by filling out this form. We look forward to having you as part of our team and helping you grow as a coach with Lindfield FC.
New Mature Age Coach Program: LFC is looking to grow our internal coaching team with the introduction of a coaching induction program for coaches over the age of 30.
For more information about these paid roles, please contact our Coaching Director Paul Grundy coaching@lindfieldfc.com.au
Interested parties are asked to please fill out the above EOI form and we will be in touch to discuss the opportunity with you further.
Join our Team, make a difference to your community whilst getting paid to have fun!
Who should Apply to be a LFC Coach?
All new Coaches
All current Junior Coaches and Assistant Coaches must re-apply for a coaching position with LFC*
If in doubt apply so that we know that you are interested in coaching.
*Exceptions: Senior or Head Coaches or if you have already been assigned a team for the season, then there is no need to apply.
Requirements to become a Coach
You must be turning 15 years or older during the season you will be coaching
No previous experience is necessary
With the exception of SuperSkills Coaches, all Coaches are expected to have a qualification. NSFA offer a free coach education program targeted at Junior coaches (age 15-22) so this is a good way to get started. Check their website for dates.
All coaches 18 and over, must provide Accounts and our Member Protection Officer their current WWC number.
For coaches under the age of 18, when you get to the WWC section: select No, then, “Yes I have an exemption” and choose a reason. This is technically incorrect but they need to add in an exemption for coaches under the age of 18. If you are turning 18 during the season, you will need to get a WWC.
Important Information
All coaches must agree to abide by the LFC Development Policy
All coaches are required to sign a coaching agreement valid for the duration of their time coaching at LFC (example)
Do I need to apply for a Working with Children Check (WWC)?
Are you turning 18 + in the current season?
Will you be coaching players under the age of 18?
If the answer to both is YES, you will need to apply for WWC number - more information about our WWC policy can be found under Health & Safety.
What Happens Next?
1. You must attend the Coach Briefing Session in February – date/time can be found on the Notice Board under “What’s Happening at LFC” on the Home page of the website.
2. Please READ THIS GUIDE which explains how to use Team Grader to:
Complete your application
Record your availability in Team Grader (please do this as soon as you have been granted access to Team Grader so we can allocate grading sessions)
View your teams and grading assignments once you have been notified that you have been assigned a team or grading shift.
3. Make sure you have read and understood our Coach Development Policy . Please speak to your Head Coach if you are uncertain of anything at all.
4. Once you have been issued the Coach agreement it must be signed and returned before you may commence any shifts.
5. If you have a Working With Children Number, this must be entered into Team Grader before you can coach, grade or be paid.
How to Apply
Applications are made through the Team Grader App
Select the “Coaching" tab and then “Apply to be a Coach"
If you have previously been a coach with LFC, select Yes to the question on the first page & enter your login id.
This is all you need to do to reapply but don’t forget to advise us of your availability - see Step 2 above.If you are already an LFC player, please use your FFA ID and the data required will self-populate saving you time, plus this will ensure that we can find your current record.
If you need assistance click here for the Help Guide.