Birth Date Requirements by Age Group
NSFA 2025 Season
Under 6 - Born on or after 1st January 2019/2020*
Under 7 - Born on or after 1st January 2018
Under 8 - Born on or after 1st January 2017
Under 9 - Born on or after 1st January 2016
Under 10 - Born on or after 1st January 2015
Under 11 - Born on or after 1st January 2014
Under 12 - Born on or after 1st January 2013
Under 13 - Born on or after 1st January 2012
Under 14 - Born on or after 1st January 2011
Under 15 - Born on or after 1st January 2010
Under 16 - Born on or after 1st January 2009
Under 17 - Born on or after 1st January 2008
Under 18 - Born on or after 1st January 2007
Under 20 - Born on or after 1st January 2005
Over 30 - Born on or before 31st December 1995
Over 35 - Born on or before 31st December 1990
Over 45 - Born on or before 31st December 1980
Over 55 - Born on or before 31st December 1970
Felicity Warner, a loyal member since 2004.
* Children who are turning 5 years old this year may play in the Under 6’s.
Players may only register in Mixed SSF if they are four (4) years of age or older as at midnight on the 31st December of the year prior.
No player should play in an age group more than two (2) years higher than they are qualified for, unless the Competitions Department has granted dispensation.
Please note, starting in 2025, the Relative Age Effect (RAE) rule is no longer valid. The only reason a player can apply for special dispensation to play down an age group is that they have a medical condition affecting strength, stamina or physique and the condition places them in an increased health risk if they play in their expected age group.