Coach and Training Field Request Form
Fields and coaches will not be able to be requested until teams are formed and council gives us approval for our field allocations.
This should be in time for the Managers Meetings.
Apologies for any inconvenience, we appreciate parents want to know asap what day trining will be held, but we are awaiting the answers from council. Most social teams will commence training the week before games kick off.
MiniRoos Training Field Request
Most MiniRoos teams use our LFC SuperSkills training program.
Please DO NOT request a coach and field if your team IS doing SuperSkills training. More information on SuperSkills can be found HERE
Only fill in this Training Field Request Form if your team plans to run their own training session, with their own coach.
Please note these training allocations are for Winter Training which only commences April.
U/G12-18 Teams:
All Social teams will need to either join the LFC Coaching HUB or, book a field for training.
If you would also like LFC to supply a (team paid) coach, you can also request this on the signup form. We will do our best to accommodate your request, however coaches are in very short supply and it is best if you find your own coach.
Please click here for the link to the Competition Teams Coach and Training Field Request Form.
Please note these training allocations are for Winter Training which commences April.
ALL AGE Teams:
If your team is not Premier League Div 1 or Div 2, you will need to book a field for training.
Please click here for the link to the Competition Teams Coach and Training Field Request Form.
Please note these training allocations are for Winter Training which only commences late March.
If you would also like LFC to supply a (team paid) coach, you can request that on this form and we will do our best to accommodate your request.
LSC Court Hire for Training
If you want to book training at LSC Club Courts, this is at an additional cost, please contact Victor admin@lindfieldsportscentre.com.au
Link to LSC information
All bookings must be prepaid please.
No Pay=No Play.
Monthly and all Season bookings are possible.