Volunteer at LFC

A huge shout out to all our volunteers, we cannot thank you enough for your dedication, passion and time - as a community club, we simply would not exist without you.

Volunteering is critical to the development and organisation of our club. Many people don’t realise that LFC is run by volunteers from the Management committee right through to team managers and providers of half time oranges! It is a great way to meet new people, learn new skills plus you can have great fun getting involved! 

No matter how much time you have to spare - whether it’s a few hours a year or every week of the season - we need you! There are all sorts of roles and jobs that need assistance.

How can I get involved and help?

Below are just a few roles that contribute to this wonderful community club, if you have a particular skill set, let us know and when we need assistance we can call on you!

  • Committee Members are our decision makers and communicators

  • Every Age Group needs a Coordinator to facilitate effective communication and organisation of the group. Read more about this role here

  • Head Age Coordinators work together with a subgroup of Age Coordinators & the Coaching Department to oversee communications and operations for the given age groups. They are part of the Management Committee.

  • Volunteer as a Coach &/or Manager to directly assist your team

  • Get involved in impacting the future for LFC on Legacy70: Shaping Our Future, Celebrating 70 Years of Football Excellence in 2027

  • Help share the load helping out at LFC Events throughout the season

  • Support our Uniform Shop - especially the few weeks before kick off!

  • Support our Equipment Officer at the start or end of the season.

  • Duke of Ed (for high school students) details are below.

  • People with specialty skills are always needed for ad hoc maintenance and projects - the current need is for a team of painters to revamp the Clubhouse frontage. Can you help?

If you would like to get involved or find out more about what is involved in volunteering with LFC, please contact Gisell Perez, our Vice President of Volunteering: vp.operations@lindfieldfc.com.au

Remember every hour you have to spare will be very much appreciated by your football community. Thank you.

Duke of Edinburgh

What is Duke of Ed? 

The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award is available to all 14–24 year olds, regardless of their background. The Award is comprised of three levels each progressively more challenging.

  • Bronze - For those over 14 years old

  • Silver - For those over 15 years old

  • Gold - For those over 16 years old

Participants are required to complete four sections at each level: Voluntary Service, Skill, Physical Recreation and Adventurous Journey. To find out more information about the Duke of Ed program, please click here or get in touch with your school coordinator. Killara High and other local High Schools have very active programs.

How can Lindfield FC help?

At Lindfield we provide many opportunities for young people to complete their Duke of Edinburgh, Voluntary Skill requirement. This can be done through coaching, refereeing, assistance in Uniform Shop, general duties around the club and assisting in the Saturday morning Active Opportunities Football program for those with disability.

Many students also use football as the physical component. Discuss this further with your coach or manager.

What do I need to do?

Get in touch with us for more information and opportunities.  We look forward to getting you started on your journey of volunteering and discovering the joy and satisfaction giving back brings.