Refunds & Deregistration
Refund requests for Registration Fees, closes April 25th for a FULL refund (minus admin fees) unless you are claiming on FNSW Insurance.
To receive your FULL refund (minus admin fees) you must be DEREGISTERED & APPROVED in Play Football before April 30! Therefore if you haven’t initiated your deregistration by April 25, we cannot guarantee the process will be complete by April 30.
Refunds will only be considered for exceptional circumstances after this date.
Injured players who wish to claim on FFA Insurance must remain registered until after April 30, then we can do a partial refund if you are missing more than half the season. Full details found under Health & Safety.
How to Request a Refund
Step 1: You must DEREGISTER to receive a REFUND of your Registration Fees. Follow these guidelines on How to deregister in my Playfootball Account,
Step 2: Advise the Registrar @ info@lindfieldfc.com.au who will approve your deregistration
Step 3: Advise your Age Coordinator and Manager so they can remove you from the team
Step 4: Fill in the Refund Request Form provided by the Registrar (advising any discounts received). We need your bank account details as unfortunately, we have no way of refunding you back through the Play Football system.
Step 5: If you wish to claim a Refund on Coaching Fees - please email Accounts NB the deposit is non- refundable
Important Notes
A player cannot register with another club until the de-registration has been approved by LFC and also has 2nd tier approval from NSFA, which can take up to 7 days
By law, Active Kids Vouchers cannot be refunded for cash, they can however be transferred to another institution.
If you require this to happen, please advise the Registrar as soon as you have filled in the Active Kids Voucher Transfer Form.Why must the de-registration be completed by April 30 to get a full refund? This is the cutoff date set by FNSW. At this date, LFC will be billed member fees such as insurance and association fees for all Active players in the system. Therefore, any player not de registered and approved by April 30 will have these fees deducted from their total refund amount as they will already have been paid by LFC.
How do I initiate my Deregistration via my Play Football account?
Please follow these guidelines on How to de-register as a player from a club : playfootball
Please note: you must advise the Registrar once completed so it can be approved and forwarded onto NSFA for final approval.
Fee Refund Policy
Admin Fee is $50 per refund request.
Player Registration Fees
Full refund on Registration Fees (Play Football Registration) up until April 30th (but you must be FULLY deregistered by this date).
A partial refund after April 30th, may be requested due to extenuating circumstances. Fixed Cost cannot be refunded as the Club incurs Association Fees, Insurance Charges etc for each player at April 30th.
Coaching Fees
No refunds given for the First Instalment - the flow on impact of withdrawing from a team affects the entire team and the administration team behind the scenes and it can be difficult to find a replacement.
If having to withdraw due to season-ending injury or other extenuating circumstances, a pro-rata discount may be possible for the 2nd instalment. Please discuss with your Age Coordinator.