Sarah Valentine: 2021-2024

Sarah accepting the NSFA Pathways award 2023 from State MP, Matt Cross

Getting the ball rolling with new sponsors McGrath Real Estate Lindfield | Wahroonga

Sarah Valentine gave LFC three invaluable years of leadership from 2021-2024. We extend our sincere gratitude to Sarah not only for her tenure as President but also for her dedicated 15-year commitment to football. Sarah first became involved with Lindfield Football Club in 2008 when she started playing women’s football, as well as being a mum of 3 keen footballers.

Across those years, Sarah has fulfilled various roles within the club, from sausage chef to Manager, Age Coordinator for multiple groups, held the Registrar role for a few years and served 4 years as a NSFA Board Representative. Sarah was also the MiniRoos Age Director and during that time she helped build Superskills into today’s awesome offering. Her big passion is for girls’ football and she has been heavily involved over the years in the development of female football at Lindfield.

Lindfield will miss Sarah’s cheerful demeanor, thoughtful approach, and clear guidance at the helm. Among her significant achievements was guiding us through the challenges posed by Covid, leading the restructuring and expansion of our Board to better serve our members and securing our new major Sponsor, McGrath Real Estate.

Enjoy your time just playing the great game now Sarah!

Sarah says “My heart lies with Lindfield and I firmly believe football can have such a positive impact for every player. It was a privilege to be part of such a fantastic management committee, LFC Volunteers do everything possible give members the best experience possible!”