Volunteers Urgently Needed!
Lindfield FC has been privileged to benefit from dedicated volunteers who bring diverse knowledge, skills, and talents, all essential to our success.
Each volunteer shares a deep connection to our club, aligned with our vision and mission, and commits their time and expertise to ensure our ongoing achievements.
Did you know that our entire executive and management committee comprises only volunteers?
We are currently looking for volunteers to fill a number of Age Coordinator roles as we move into the 2025 season. These roles are absolutely vital to the effective running of each age group and the overall club. The absence of an age coordinator throughout the season may mean that the age group will not receive the support needed to ensure effective organisation and positive outcomes for our players and families.
What is an Age Coordinator (AC)?
At Lindfield FC, our ACs form part of our management committee and are primarily responsible for overseeing a set age group, this is commonly the age group that one of their children may play in.
What are they responsible for?
They will complete tasks such as forming teams, assisting managers & families with inquiries, helping to facilitate grading, sharing of general club updates and communication.
How much work is involved?
The majority of an AC’s workload is pre-season around February and March as they prepare for the formation of teams throughout grading and general registrations. Most communication is sent through emails and so a lot can be done from home or remotely. ACs are encouraged to attend committee meetings where possible and these are usually scheduled monthly during the busier time of year.
Do I need to know about football or have played football?
No, absolutely no prior football experience or knowledge of football is needed. Although it may be helpful, all you need is to be keen, friendly, approachable and willing to help others.
What training or help is provided for new ACs?
ACs can be teamed up with a fellow AC as a mentor and we will also provide training on how to use Team Grader and Dribl. We have an AC chat group where questions can be shared and information shared among the committee.
I'm interested and would like more information, what do I do next?
We are more than happy to get in touch or meet with you and can provide you with more information about the role. Feel free to email Gisell - vp.volunteers@lindfieldfc.com.au who is responsible for volunteers at the club.
We are very grateful to our present volunteers and proud to have parents, friends, soccer enthusiasts, and skilled professionals committed to further elevate our community grassroots club.
We welcome you to consider joining our team of volunteers!