State Cup
The State, Robertson and Bill Cullinan Cups are knockout tournaments conducted by Football NSW for Association based male and female club teams and Country Association representative or club teams.
This tournament attracts over 500 entries each season from across NSW and is an opportunity for all LFC Super League, Diamond League & Senior Div 1 teams to extend themselves by competing with teams from outside NSFA.
Key Information
Age Groups
Boys/Men: 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 0/35, AA Men
Girls/Women: 13, 14, 16, 18, AA Women
Which LFC Teams compete? All LFC Super League and Diamond League Teams will be automatically entered as part of our Development Program.
Senior Teams will be invited to enter.
U12/G12 no longer have competitions to enter.
Managers only need to advise us if their team is UNABLE to compete in this competition.
Where are the matches held? Initially, teams generally* have ‘relatively’ local games but as they progress further into the competition they may have to travel much further a field as teams enter from across NSW.
* Teams should be prepared to travel to the far edges of the state eg one game initial game in 2022 was in Griffith, however the majority of teams entered are from the greater Sydney basin ie Wollongong/Sydney/Newcastle regions.
TIP: Make sure that your team allows plenty to time to get there.
NOTE: Start times can be delayed if earlier games have gone to extra-time/penalties.
TIP: You can get some intel on the level of opposition from their results by looking at their club/association website.
HOME TEAM: Is always the first team listed on the draw, irrespective of where the game is being played.
Key Dates 2024
The competition format is knock out from Round One (1) played every 2nd Sunday where possible, with washouts or rescheduled games on the vacant Saturdays, Sundays or week nights as & when necessary. Please note that not all age groups commence in Round 1. Any Age Group that has more than 64 teams entering the competition will start in the preliminary round to bring the number down to 64 starting teams in Round 1- the teams will be randomly drawn.
Draw will be confirmed at least 1 week before kickoff.

ID Cards / Sheets
All teams must have an ID card or team sheet for all players that includes their photo, DOB and FFA ID. They are often checked at State Cup, particularly in the later rounds.
Players for any Team that are not included on the digital match sheet or identification cards/sheets are not permitted to take the field.
Team Managers are responsible for sighting Player identification prior to the Match. Check the regulations section 3. Pre-Match Player Identification for what to do if you suspect a team of playing an illegible player.
Available in the Dribl App,
Log into the match sheet.
At the top right, next to the Add Sub Players symbol, there is a Member Card button.
Click this to view the ID of each player
Paper ID backup recommended. Ideally you should already have one of these in your kitbag for the season just in case Dribl is unavailable or your phone has technical difficulties.
Log into the web version of Dribl via the Managers short cut found on the LFC Home Page.
Navigate to your team (State Cup teams aren’t able to be viewed only your normal club team - any subs would have to be added manually or printed from their regular team sheet),
Use the > button on the far right to access the team admin section, you will land in the Overview tab.
Click Print Team Cards (2nd button from right), then Generate
This will create a REPORT which can be found up in the menu items, next to EXPORTS. you can download as any normal pdf and then print a copy.
These will also be needed for other tournaments eg Kanga, Champion of Champions
Team Sheets/Match Card and Results
a) All digital team sheets for all Matches are to be completed online via Dribl
b) Clubs are required to note the shirt number of each Player in Dribl. This information (should) appear automatically next to the Player’s name on the digital team sheet. If not, you will need to go into the matchsheet, click into the player, long press to activate the action options which includes, “Set Jersey number”. These have to be done individually in the Dribl App and can take some time, so make sure they are added before the day.
c) The Home and Away Club must make their Player selection in Dribl and click on Submit team (at this point you can still make changes after submitting your team if need be) no later than thirty (30) minutes prior to the scheduled Fixture.
d) No later than ten (10) minutes before kick, the Home and Away Club must click Confirm team (no more changes can be made to match sheet. If you do need to make any last minute change to the match sheet this must be communicated to the referee).
e) At the completion of the Match, the Match Official is to enter the match data, which includes: the half time and full time scores, cautions, send offs, and any other Match incident that is deemed worthy of inclusion in the post-Match reporting
f) The Home Club and Away Club must, within thirty (30) minutes of the Match, validate the Match Official data to ensure all records are accurate. If a discrepancy is identified by either Club that cannot be resolved on the day of the Match, notification must be issued to Football NSW: kim@footballnsw.com.au within 24 hours of the Match taking place.
Football NSW will review and adjudicate on the alleged discrepancy within a workable time frame.
Official FNSW Team Sheets must be used, if the EMC Dribl isn’t working - click here for an editable Blank Team Sheet Master that can pre-filled or printed off and handwritten.
There should be an option within Dribl to print off the pre-filled card, as per normal club matches - this is just a backup.
g) If a Player who is registered in accordance with the Regulations is not listed on the digital team sheet prior to the Match and then participates in the Match, the following shall apply:
• The Club will be fined $250 for the first breach
• The Team will forfeit the Match for the second breach and also be fined $500;
• Any further breaches of this article will require the Club to show cause as to why the Team should not be expelled from the Competition, and the Team involved shall forfeit the Match in question and be fined $500
h) Clerical errors by either Team on the digital team sheet will result in a fine of $50 per error. Clerical errors include, but are not limited to, duplicate shirt numbers, incorrect shirt numbers and failing to validate the digital team sheet within thirty (30) minutes of the completion of the Match.
i) Failure to comply with any part of this sub-section of these Regulations will result in a fine of $70 per breach.
To play, a team shall consist of a minimum of seven players in strip, of which, one must be the goalkeeper. A team shall be allowed to play late players to the match, but only to bring the team to full playing strength, providing all registration requirements are met.
Juniors U13-U18, each Team is eligible to register a maximum of twenty (20) Players but use a maximum of sixteen (16) Players per match. For All Age & O35, each team is eligible to register a maximum of twenty three (23) Players and may only use a maximum of sixteen (16) Players per match.
If your team has not reached the above maximums, additional players can be added. You must email the Registrar at info@lindfieldfc.com.au by the Tuesday before the match. All late registrations must then be entered by NSFA by 12pm on the Wednesday prior to the Match - these are strict cutoff times!
NB Once a competition age grade has commenced, no Players can be deregistered.
SUSPENDED PLAYERS: Players serving a NSFA suspension cannot play in State Cup while suspended. However, matches missed will be counted as served, provided the player is in the approved team list submitted to FNSW prior to the tournament commencing.
Note: Please remember to enter the player’s name and ID number in the “Players Stood Down” section of the Team Sheet.
Any Team that fields an ineligible Player will automatically lose that Match on forfeit and be fined $500
Important: Red cards received in a State Cup match carry through to the next match played either normal club competition or State Cup.
Home vs Away Kit
First team in the draw is the Home team and must change their kit in the event of a clash.
Check the draw and the colour of your opponents to confirm. There is a list of club colours found here.
If in doubt you can also look at the opposition club website to get an idea of their strip.
All teams are required to have an away kit at every match.
Match Fees
Referees fees are to be paid by each team to the host Club prior to a Match. Usually there will be someone in the canteen or a central table.
After confirming with the host Club the number of Match Officials (Referees / Assistant Referees) in attendance for the Match, each Team must pay 50% of the total amount to the host Club and obtain a receipt prior to the commencement of the Match.
The cost of this should be collected from the parents by the Manager. This will be $30-$50 per match. Official Rates download
Recording Results
After the Match - if using paper matchsheet
The WINNING Team must obtain the completed Team Sheet from the Referee.
The Team Sheet including the result and signed by the respective Team Officials, must be emailed by the manager of the winning team to FNSW and NSFA.
Football NSW email is matchreports@footballnsw.com.au
Competitions email is admin@nsfa.asn.au
Deadlines for team sheet to be submitted
Football NSW: by Wednesday 5pm following a weekend match or 48 hours after a midweek match. If miss deadline it is a $70 fine and FORFEIT the match.
Below we have outlined some of the common questions regarding State Cup Regulations. However, it is extremely important that the coach and manager fully understand the full competition regulations which can be found on the State Cup Website.
TIP: Print off a copy and always have with you.
Match Balls
U14 and older: Size 5
U13: Size 4
It is required that both teams supply one (1) match ball as listed above. Failure to do so may result in a fine of $70 per breach
Football NSW will provide all match balls for the State Cup Finals
Duration of Match
For all Matches consisting two (2) periods of 45 minutes there will be an interval of fifteen 15 minutes between the whistle ending the first period to the whistle starting the second period.
For all Matches consisting of two (2) periods of 30, 35 & 40 minutes there will be an interval of ten (10) minutes between the whistle ending the first period to the whistle starting the second period.
For all Matches consisting of two (2) periods of 25 minutes there will be an interval of 7.5 minutes between the whistle ending the first period to the whistle starting the second period.
Added Time
Should a delay be experienced (other than that covered by article 13 (Postponed Match or Fixtures), the Referee will continue to keep the official time of the Match and blow full time when the Match duration has expired. At this point the result of the Match will stand.
Injury or added time will only be applicable in the Final.
Extra Time
If a game is drawn at completion of normal playing time and a win/loss result is required, “SUDDEN DEATH GOAL” will apply in extra time.
For all grades, there will be an interval of five (5) minutes at the end of normal playing time and the commencement of the first period of extra time, but not between the two (2) periods of extra time.
For clarity, once a goal is scored the Match is concluded and extra time ceases.
Penalty Kicks
If the result of a Match is still a draw after extra time, alternate kicks from the penalty mark will be taken to determine the winner, in accordance with the procedures described in the FIFA laws of the game.
Substitutes and Officials are not allowed onto the field until a result has been achieved. For the U12 age grade, a Coach or Manager may come onto the field to the centre circle to organise his/her team’s penalty kicks.
An unlimited interchange of Players is permissible at any time during a Match in all age grades.
The maximum number of Players to be used for interchange is five (5) Players per Match. This maximum applies to all age grades.
There are very strict rules for interchange - please read them in the full regulations. If you have any queries or concerns, please ask your Head Coach for clarification.
Technical Area
Only currently registered and eligible Players, Coaches and Team Officials are allowed in the Technical Area during Matches.
All Team Officials in the Technical Area must wear their eligibility card at all times.
All Players in the Technical Area, must wear a training bib.
For a full list of the State Cup Regulations download the above pdf via the Regulations Button. It covers everything from wet weather cancellations, postponed and abandoned matches to forfeits and player interchange rules. Please ensure your team manager and coach have read these throughly.
Manager FAQS
+The match date is very soon, when will the draw be released?
Unfortunately due to the dynamic nature of State Cup, the draw can be released with limited notice ie only 1-2 weeks. It is best if managers advise teams that this is the case and be prepared to flexible on the scheduled dates as they may have to travel quite a distance to matches.
+What happens when our team has a normal competition match scheduled on Sundays?
State Cup matches take preference over regular club games. Your match will be postponed and will need to be rescheduled.
+ How do we reschedule postponed matches?
• Mixed/Men:
• Women/Girls:
+ Other FAQS?
• We are still building this section based on your feedback - do you have anything else to add?
Important Links for Managers - to be updated for 2023
2024 State Cup Regulations – Click here
2024 Community Football Referee Match Payments Circular – Click here
2024 Grievance and Disciplinary Regulations – Click here
2021 State Cup – Club Colours – Click here
2024 Competition Contacts
Good luck
The Coaching Team