March Newsletter
Announcement of Teams | Training Day Update | Field Access | Coach Requests | REFUNDS | Coach and Manager Meeting | Season Start Dates
Announcement of Teams: most players should know which team they have been assigned to. If you are uncertain please go to Team Grader click on the Teams tab, then FIND MY TEAM. (NB you will need your FFA id and some adult teams are not listed here.) If you do not know who your team/team manager is, please get in touch with your Age Coordinator this weekend!
For some age groups this process has been a bit tricky with the way registrations have come in, so please be patient with your (volunteer) Age Coordinator while they try (juggle a million jigsaw pieces) to finalise teams.
If you do not yet have a manager - please work together to find a solution this weekend as the Manager information meetings are this coming week. (Details below) Consider sharing the role among a number of you or have one person for communications and roster parents on for weekend duties. It takes a team to run a team!
If you have new members in your team - please make them welcome and ensure they are included on any previously set up Chat Groups etc
Family Discount applications close this weekend!
Please get in touch with Deidre before Monday 29th 9am, if you are yet to register and wish to apply. All registrations should now be complete as age groups are reaching capacity - some have already been closed.
Field Access: we are entering the change over period between summer and winter seasons - this has been delayed this year as cricket season is only just finishing due to our extended football season delaying their start last year.
We are working on all your field and coach requests and hope to have this information to you shortly - it is not an easy process trying to fit everyone into their preferred day and time- especially this year as we have less ground space due to the planned renovation of Wellington Oval. We have requested more space, however are awaiting councils response.
If you are lucky enough to have a ground allocation for training you must continue to abide by the Preseason NO BOOTS policy until APRIL 10th.
All social teams training will commence APRIL 12th.
SuperSkills training begins April 12th-16th
Coach Requests: we will do our very best to find a coach for your team - availability is the biggest problem as more and more teams prefer club coaches. If you know any older teens or are a student or adult with some football knowledge, looking for some coaching work and can commit to one night per week during the regular winter season- we'd love to hear from them. You can apply through the coaching page on the website.
If you are considering coaching a team as a volunteer, there is plenty of training and information support available - just get in touch, we will be happy to set you on your coaching journey.
Please make sure you get along to the meeting next week to hear more.
Coach and Manager Meetings
Meetings will be be via ZOOM - all welcome, (including assistants) to jump on and find out all the details you need to help run your teams successfully.
Competition Age Groups 12+: Coaches and Managers Meeting
Monday March 29th 7.30pm
MiniRoos Coaches and Managers Meeting
Tuesday March 30th 7.30pm
Kit bag Pickup
U6/ U7 Saturday 27th March before midday as they both have games scheduled. Training balls will also be distributed to those under 6 and Under 7 players by the age coordinators.
U8/U9 - Monday 29th March from 4pm
U10/U11 - Tuesday 30th March from 4pm
U12/U13 and all over teams - Wednesday 31st March from 4pm
This weekend 27th at the Clubhouse we have a BBQ running during the U6 Saturday morning friendly games - pop in and grab a sausage sandwich - all funds raised go towards Project 2023 and the improvement of our facilities.
Uniform Shop:
Please observe the opening hours as they do change according to demand and staff availability.
Current Opening Hours March:
Wednesdays: 4.30pm - 6.30pm
Thursdays 4.30pm - 6.30pm
Fridays: 5pm - 8pm CLOSED GOOD FRIDAY
Please respect opening and closing hours. Queues have been long before the store is even open. Better times on Wed/Thursday is not the first half hour! We appreciate your patience and good manners.
If you are requesting a REFUND you need to do this before April 1st if you wish to receive a full refund (minus admin fees - see website for details)
I have a Question??
Have you checked the website for the answer? You will find most answers to your questions on the website, please take the time to have a look around our fabulous new website.
Season Start Dates
Seniors season commences: April 10th
Juniors season commences: April 17th
Defib Training @ Clubhouse: Monday 12th April, 7pm RSVP to Haran or Jann
For a full list of ALL the Important Dates click on the Notice Board Button.
Lindfield Football Club Inc
PO Box 206
Lindfield NSW 2070
Ph 0425 286 020