Football is Back!
Here we go for season 2021!!!
How excited is everyone to be back out on the pitch?
A massive thank you to all our volunteers who have spent hundreds of hours getting you and your teams ready to hit the pitch. Please take the time to send them a note of thanks or buy them a drink down at the club as you watch your favourite live act! (Upcoming band night details below!!! )
A huge thank you to Steve Vaughan who helped us get the Under 7s organised this season - unfortunately for us (but well deserved for him) he has been promoted at work and will be commuting so is unable to continue in the role.
To ensure ongoing good communication for your age groups, we will need someone to take this U7 role and we also have vacancies in the G8, U11 & U15 Age Coordinator roles so please get in touch with Belinda your Mixed u6-U11 Age Director or Rohan your Girls G6-G11 Age Director or Richard your U12-U18 Age Director for more details.
If you are still not sure what team you or your child is in, please make sure you contact your Age Coordinator asap.
As our NSFA CEO Ed Ferguson put it in the latest newsletter, "On the field, be mindful of the environment you create. Please approach the match in the spirit of football and look after yourself, teammates and opposition players to ensure we can take to the field each week." If you are aged 12 years and over, please read the note below from Clive regarding changes to the disciplinary system for players - it is your responsibility to know procedure and consequences of actions on the field.
Please also note the important information below re Refunds, Uniform Shop and entertainment at the Clubhouse.
Now it's time to get out there and have fun this weekend and all season!
The LFC Team
All REFUND requests should now have been entered for those wanting a full refund - once the season commences we are billed fixed costs by associations, insurance etc so these need to be deducted from the fees as we will have incurred the charges. (A small admin fees also applies - see website for details).
Please email Deidre to request a refund and please ensure your Age Coordinator is aware to remove you from the team.
This is the last reminder!
More Blue and White - less Red and Yellow
Information for EVERY Competition PLAYER, MANAGER & COACH
by Clive Solari Club President
With the new season almost upon us I thought it timely to send out a reminder of the RESPECT campaign started by the KDFRA and few years back and this year extended to be inclusive of officials, players (both the opposition and your own team), coaches and manager. Last year the NSFA saw a significant rise in the number of yellow and red cards handed out by referees at all levels within the competition age groups – from Under 12s all the way up to our Over 45s. With the onset of Covid many players experienced a level of stress and anxiety unheard of within our association. A number of plans have been put in place by the NSFA and KDFRA to reduce this. Some of these focus on punishing teams with the threat of loss of competition points if the level of offences recorded stay at the same level as last season. Whilst I’m sure this would have an effect I’d much prefer LFC to take a ‘duty of care’ approach and try and identify and limit the amount of stress that our players are feeling. Used in the right way football can be a wonderful way for getting rid of stress, however the very nature of the game can actually cause frustration to build up. How many times have you seen the better team dominating possession only to find themselves 1-0 down. As the game goes on the level of frustration increases and the level of offences and negative play builds leading to yellow and red cards. So how do we reduce the stress and frustration that our players are feeling? Whilst we all deal with stress in different ways – some of us better than others - we can ALL be aware of players who are showing signs. They maybe behaving in a way that is out of character, they may be more aggressive when they tackle, more cutting with their remarks, and even just not looking like they are not enjoying the game. Our interchange system allows us to swap players as often as we like. If a player is behaving in a way that could lead to a yellow or red card they can come off the field and be given enough time to calm down. It would give the coach, manager or parent and chance to talk to them and point out their observations. Just a few minutes on the side can be enough to allow the player to become more aware of how they are behaving. Even if the player is the best on the field it’s better to have them off the field for a few minutes than to leave them there and get a red card and be down to 10 players for the rest of the game. Let’s take care of each other out there.
If the worst happens and you do get sent off then there is a procedure that you must follow. Follow this link for guidelines for this outcome:-
A new club rule for 2021 is that any U12 to U18 player that gets cited has to have a coach or manager with them when they attend the P&D session. The link will explain what to do. Feel free to contact me or Penny Morris, our MPIO, if this happens and we will guide you through the procedure. Once cited you cannot play again until you have appeared at the P&D.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any thoughts on player behaviour that could benefit all our players. As said above, ‘duty of care’ comes before punishment. Let’s all strive to have a season with the least number of yellow and red cards and the most fun had and most games won.
Love your football with Lindfield.
Friday Night Fun
SuperSkills plus Live Music will ensure the Clubhouse is pumping every Friday night. If you haven't been down there yet - organise a team meet and greet, have some pizza and refreshing drinks whilst listening to some great musical acts. Free time on courts is from 7pm as our popular SuperSkills program has been extended due to popular demand!
Noodles Touring presents Fleetwood Nicks live at Lindfield Sports Centre. This is your chance to see a concert Dreams are made of right on your doorstep!
Celebrating the music of one of the 70s most successful and influential bands, Fleetwood Nicks will be performing iconic songs from Fleetwood Mac's back catalogue, along with Stevie Nicks solo classics.
Seats are limited so book your tickets now to avoid missing out.
Saturday, 1 May 2021 at 19:00
Tickets available on Facebook via Eventbrite or on the Noodles Touring page:
Pre-order: $25 + booking fee
At the door: $30
Uniform Shop:
New socks now in! Order yours today! all sizes back in stock.
Finally our new HAIR SCRUNCHIES have arrived - get yours today!
Tracksuits will also be back in stock next week!!!
Opening Hours April:
Wednesdays: 4.30pm - 6.30pm
Fridays: 5pm - 8pm
Please respect opening and closing hours. As always we appreciate your patience and good manners when times are busy.
Enjoy being back out on the park and have a great season.
The LFC Team